Mariia MykhailovaMarathon Problem Writer
Mariia joined Topcoder in 2005, and in the fifteen years since she tried on a lot of hats - from contest participant (Algorithms, Marathons, and an occasional fun contest like Idea Generation), to blogger, to a problem writer, to a semi-retiree and back again. She credits Topcoder for a lot of great opportunities she got outside of competitions as well, from moving to the USA, to joining Microsoft, to meeting her future husband.
In her daily life Mariia is a software engineer at Microsoft Quantum and a part-time lecturer at Northeastern University. She works on quantum computing education and outreach including, among lots of other exciting projects, quantum programming competitions!
mvp accomplishments
Written Marathon Match Problems
Written Algorithm Problems

Link to blogs and articles written by Mariia:

In the category “Problem writing”: PolygonArea, the most elegant problem she has ever written.
In the category “Massive projects”: co-piloting Topcoder Cookbook - a crowdsourced book of algorithms and Topcoder tips and tricks (unfortunately, it was never completed, but she learned a lot from working on it).